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Wisdom Courses > Start Here

This app and its courses are a companionable tool for the art of living — tending the interplay between inner life and life in the world — in a time in which we have been given so much to learn and to carry.

Courses carry you through a 4-7 week experience, a mini-retreat and learning adventure that is applied in the laboratory of life.

Krista Tippett guides the entire experience, bringing in the voices and teachings of wise and graceful lives she has engaged in conversation over the past two decades, with insights from spiritual wisdom to science, from poetry to social transformation.

Weekly Wisdom practice (10-15 minutes) anchors each course.

Pause ritual (2-4 minutes) contemplatively integrates wisdom practice across everyday interactions, building spiritual and moral muscle memory.

A supported practice of journaling is built into each offering, with questions to live and integration steps alongside course content.

Weekly in-depth episodes of the celebrated On Being podcast offer other opportunities for delving deeper with teachers or ideas, in a calm, dedicated space.

Session 1: Why Wisdom Now

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“Enough of us see that we have a world to remake. We want to meet what is hard and hurting. We want to rise to what is beautiful and life-giving. We want to do that where we live, and we want to do it walking alongside others. We’re asking, where to begin.”


Question to Live

What brings you here?


Integration Step

Imagine the Possibility of Wholeness

Set an intention, a day and time when you will embark on the first course, Finding Replenishment.


Heart of the Matter

This app and its courses are an offering of companionship and strategies towards wisdom and wholeness inside ourselves and in life together — wholeness even as the world engages a story of fracture. We can walk forward in ways that are at once contemplative and pragmatic. We can seek balance and equanimity even as the ground beneath our feet continues to shift.

Courses carry you through a 6-7 week experience, a mini-retreat and learning adventure that is applied in the laboratory of life.

Krista Tippett guides the entire experience, bringing in the voices and teachings of wise and graceful lives she has engaged in conversation over the past two decades, with insights from spiritual wisdom to science, from poetry to social transformation.

Weekly Wisdom practice (10-15 minutes) anchors each course.

Pause ritual (2-4 minutes) contemplatively integrates wisdom practice across everyday interactions, building spiritual and moral muscle memory.

A supported practice of journaling is built into each offering, with questions to live and integration steps alongside course content.

Weekly in-depth episodes of the celebrated On Being podcast offer other opportunities for delving deeper with teachers or ideas, in a calm, dedicated space.


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