We Don’t Have Spaces To Feel Vulnerable and Imperfect
Can we be honest, imperfect, and vulnerable with one another? For those who are sick and tired of being afraid, this brilliant stop-motion film featuring a clip of Brené Brown in conversation with Krista Tippett might provide some needed insights about the human condition. The artist and auteur is Jennifer Ryan, who writes:
“I came across this conversation through the recommendation of a friend years ago, and Brene Brown’s stories and teachings have since helped me survive the hardest time of my life and made me feel much less alone. I have returned to them over and over and over again, always hearing something I hadn’t received before. She helped me realize that we are all carrying around shame, that we’re all seeking to connect but are afraid of how we’ll be perceived, that most of the negative interactions we have are a direct result of our collective fear, and also that it’s okay to be seen, that connecting with others will release your burden in a way you never imagined possible, and that you can somehow find the most comfort in uncomfortable conversations. Krista Tippett’s added wisdom only makes this conversation that much sweeter and I am grateful to have spent as much time as I have with these words.”
You can listen to the entire interview between Brené and Krista in our podcast. Just look for the episode, “The Courage To Be Vulnerable.”