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15 Results

New research reveals that trauma experienced in childhood has longterm damaging effects on quality of life and lifespan. But the same research shows that adults play a critical role in helping children overcome this damage.


October 30, 2017

Two Hauntings

Something dark lurks in the shadows of Kao Kalia Yang's childhood memories. Two spectral encounters, unsettling and unexplained.


June 18, 2016

That Type of Father

Often the most valuable lessons our fathers teach us are the ones we didn't realize we were learning. A son of Korean immigrants expresses gratitude for a lifetime of tough-love education from his wartime father.
In the absence of a religious tradition, is there a fundamental need for prayer? Courtney Martin on finding comfort in praying to her late, burly grandfather rather than a god to whom she couldn't relate.
The stories of a person, a family, a culture, a country hold and bind us in ways that are potentially fruitful or harmful. They also give us an identity. A meditation on who we are, how we become, and the stories we tell ourselves along the way.
Part of becoming an adult is learning how to lower your expectations. But parenting a toddler brings different gifts — of rediscovering discovery, reuniting with awe, and finding where the mundane becomes miraculous.