Image of Miguel Clark Mallet

Miguel Clark Mallet


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It takes power and privilege to dictate the terms of a cultural conversation. Miguel Clark Mallet writes in defense of backtalk and the critical perspectives it brings forward.
Social media gets a bad rap for perpetuating vitriol and echo chambers, but it can also be an platform for our common and civic life — helping us understand people with different backgrounds and opinions, while also allowing us to create communities of our own.
What if we considered our nation not as factions at war, but as members of a strained and troubled family? A look through the lens of the three stories that broken families tell — and what that marginalized, third story reveals about the echo chambers we've been called to step out of.
As a culture, we celebrate simplicity and its convenience. But the truth is always more complex, embedded in larger systems and worlds. Miguel Clark Mallet on the possibilities that open up when we accept the value of complexity.