In 2022, The On Being Project’s Artist Residency had the delight of welcoming five artists into our inaugural cohort. Over the course of twelve weeks, residents carried On Being’s grounding questions into conversations with their lives, their art, and with each other:
What does it mean to be human?
How do we want to live?
And who will we be to each other?
Our theory of change at On Being is that the work of human transformation is essential to social transformation. This residency provided a dedicated time and space for the humans behind the art: to reconnect with, explore, and nurture the questions and identities that animate the work of each artist through regular cohort check-ins, workshops hosted by On Being, and a stipend. A few threads and intersections unique to this cohort included (but were not limited to): noticing place/space, attending to the natural world, and honoring lineage.
We invite you to learn about each resident below, and to explore their final projects as a representation of how these questions took on more personal meaning over the course of the residency.