Image by SALT I Have a Dream.
Four Minutes of King’s Classic Speech, Retold (Video)
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream …” speech is a gift. And no matter how many times I hear his speech over the radio or on the television, I’m moved and inspired. It never gets old.
But, it’s always nice to have a bit of creative inspiration infuse a classic speech. And this video from the Salt Project does just that. This remix retells the concluding four minutes of Dr. King’s speech from 1963 with a panoply of contemporary voices. You hear young and old, black and white, male and female recite Dr. King’s moving words in English and Spanish. It’ll inspire you too.
This Monday on Martin Luther King Day, I encourage you to share it with your closest friends and newest colleagues. And, then ask yourself the question put to us by Elizabeth Myer Boulton, the creative director behind the film:
How far have we come on the journey to social justice and what must be done to achieve the dream King so eloquently articulated in 1963?