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It can be hard, sometimes embarrassing, to admit we don't have the answers. But there's grace and wisdom in owning up to what we don't know — and giving space for the strengths of those we might overshadow.
Editor’s note: This essay was written and originally published in 2007. It is reprinted here with permission. Some years ago, I came across one of the most intriguing book titles that I have ever seen. It was set forth in the form of a question: Is America Possible?…
An Italian writer pays tribute to the story of the little-known Australian sprinter who was on the podium that day in 1968 in Mexico City for the Olympic medals ceremony. A closer look at an iconic public stand for human rights reveals a heartening, surprising story of alliance and brotherhood.
We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our history. What kind of path will we choose to forge ahead? john powell calls us to reform old narratives of oppression, violence, and exclusion into something hopeful and new.
It is a privilege to feel that this is a time of unusual turmoil. Sarah Smarsh points at our responsibility in this revelatory moment: not just to look at the injustice we live amidst, but to act on what we see.