A Mantra for Stressful Moments
Guided by Krista
Listen daily until you move on to the next Wisdom Practice.
Journal with the ideas, the questions, and invitations raised. Pay attention to how these things surface in your thoughts, in your body, and in interactions and experiences as you move through your days.
Use the Question to Live and Integration Step as further prompts for practicing, and for journaling.
You’re building spiritual and moral muscle memory.

Krista Tippett: Take these words of Sylvia Boorstein in for yourself, as a mantra when you need it. Observe and journal about what happens when you do. And see what connection it might have to kindness becoming more possible, more innate. “Sweetheart, you are in pain. Relax. Take a breath. Let’s pay attention to what is happening. Then we’ll figure out what to do.”