Let Joy Revive You
Guided by Krista
Listen daily until you move on to the next Wisdom Practice.
Journal with the ideas, the questions, and invitations raised. Pay attention to how these things surface in your thoughts, in your body, and in interactions and experiences as you move through your days.
Use the Question to Live and Integration Step as further prompts for practicing, and for journaling.
You’re building spiritual and moral muscle memory.

Krista Tippett: As you move through your day, get curious and get specific about the source or the sources of joy that sustain you most deeply; that have a power to revive you at times; that you return to when you are able to drop into a sense of balance and well-being, of equanimity, of homeostasis that is not wholly dependent on what is happening in the world or even what is happening in your life right now.
And as you do that, don’t forget to attend to what is so common that you might be undervaluing it, not seeing it. Take these questions into your days and pause, and enjoy, and seize the opportunities you have to say, “Oh! There it is. Look at that.” Feel that.
Consider these words of Drew Lanham: “You try to have joy as something that no one can take from you, that it’s something that you can hoard and you can hold in your heart, in a way. And you can protect that joy in a way that when all of those things on this roughshod trail around you are threatening you, that you at some quiet moment can pull that joy out and experience it, and even if it’s just for a moment.
That’s the bird flying through the yard. That’s the cardinal. That’s the song. That’s the memory of something good that you say, You know what?
“For me, I have to find those moments daily. And it’s a struggle sometimes. It’s a struggle sometimes, to endure all this stuff and say, Ah, there it is. We have to recognize the joy that the world didn’t give us and that the world can’t take away, in the midst of the world taking away what it can.”