Guided by Krista
Ponder Disciplines of Exploring
Listen daily until you move on to the next Wisdom Practice.
Journal with the ideas, the questions, and invitations raised. Pay attention to how these things surface in your thoughts, in your body, and in interactions and experiences as you move through your days.
Use the Question to Live and Integration Step as further prompts for practicing, and for journaling.
You’re building spiritual and moral muscle memory.
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Krista Tippett: Ask yourself, interrogate yourself, what might be standing in the way of your responding by throwing your life at a wholehearted yes? And consider these words of Vincent Harding that are rich with comfort and challenge in equal measure.
He says, “The whole idea of discipline is one that clearly we have cast aside except when we’re talking about technological development or military development. It seems to me that we need to recognize that to develop the best humanity, the best spirit, the best community, there needs to be discipline, practices of exploring. How do you do that? How do we work together? How do we talk together in ways that will open up our best capacities and our best gifts?
“My own feeling that I try to share again and again is that when it comes to creating a multiracial, multiethnic, multi-religious democratic society, we are still a developing nation. We’ve only been really thinking about this for about half a century. But my own deep, deep conviction is that the knowledge, like all knowledge, is available to us if we seek it.
“The older I get, the more I am convinced that that magnificent madman Jesus was really talking about something very truthful and powerful when he said that if you allow yourself to really hunger and thirst after the right way, then, if you will not back off from that hunger and that thirst, if you will just keep after it, then you will find the way. You will be filled. The way will find you.”