Living the Questions: Live!

What questions are you holding in yourself and for our world?

Last Updated

October 28, 2020

Original Air Date

October 26, 2020

At this live Zoom event, Krista and Lucas Johnson, who leads The On Being Project’s social healing initiatives, turn toward questions before us in this year of rupture and see what possibility they might open for shared life — even as we disagree on much; even through tumult and uncertainty.


Image of Krista Tippett

Krista Tippett created and leads The On Being Project and hosts the On Being radio show and podcast. She’s a National Humanities Medalist, and The New York Times bestselling author of Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living. Read her full bio here.

Image of Lucas Johnson

Lucas Johnson is Executive Vice President of Public Life & Social Healing at The On Being Project. He was previously a leader of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, the world’s oldest interfaith peace organization. Read his full bio here.
