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84 Results
To truly meet each other "that mysterious junction of suffering and love could well be the most truthful and potent place."
So often we dwell on our mistakes. Sharon Salzberg helps us step away from this routine and walk a different terrain — with the practice of lovingkindness that develops a flexibility of looking at our own lives.
When asked about love, people frequently use the word "need." Sharon Salzberg analyzes this intermingling and why we should find a way to disentangle them to better understanding of real need, and real love.
Becoming fixated on a problem at the office or an injustice to others can often lead to intense anger. But, how do we avoid the narrowness of this emotion and not let it consume us?
Many of us feel cast off and and think we have to go it alone. But what if we took solace in the third refuge of the community? Sharon Salzberg with a video meditation on standing in line and counsel on how we might thrive in our connectedness with one another.
To devote oneself to battling injustice is noble, but rigorous. Sharon Salzberg celebrates the extraordinary work of agents of social change, and illuminates the importance of balancing exposure to hardship with self-care.
A balm for burnout: self-love and a guided meditation to empower us to take a stand — literally — for our own right to be happy and whole.
It takes courage to challenge our cultural story around love. Sharon Salzberg on the unfolding, sometimes tough, process of learning to love yourself.
The mind can get in the way of itself. Sharon Salzberg on the hindrance of delusion and not seeing things as they actually are by going numb and turning away from the world.
In an anxiety-fueled society, how can we muster the courage to deal head-on with negative emotions? Sharon Salzberg counsels wise action in the face of fear, and mettle in the face of hopelessness.
To be faithful and to practice faith in the Buddhist sense of the word, one must walk a path of doubt — one of honest questioning and active investigating. An enlightening column from Sharon Salzberg.
It’s not easy to genuinely know who we are. The stories others tell about us and the labels society heaps upon us only add to that confusion. But, when we disentangle ourselves from these narratives, we may choose courage over fear and take new risks.
Too often, we confuse love with attachment. Sharon Salzberg on striking a balance between needing and a generosity of the heart — for ourselves, for all beings, for life itself.
Finding a clear sense of being home shouldn't be sought from a desperate place. But, how is it possible to yearn without becoming lost in our deluded states of mind? Sharon Salzberg on the wise attention we possess that alchemizes delusion into wisdom.
There's comfort in the ideal of perfection. But in this pursuit, we can trap ourselves in the striving. Sharon Salzberg on accepting imperfection as the unexpected path to spiritual fulfillment.
Unwavering gratitude can be an intimidating ideal. Sharon Salzberg examines gentle attention to the positive as a generous alternative to our negativity bias.
She embodied a sense of steady gratitude regardless of the circumstances. A reflection in memoriam of police captain-turned-dharma teacher Cheri Maples.
Some fears are realistic; others are imaginary and insurmountable creations, fabrications of “free-floating hyperactivity of the mind.”
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