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14 Results

We crave the closure of explanations and answers, but what if we were enlivened by the questions themselves? On the evolution of his own faith — from a hunger for certainty to awe at the ineffable.
In a season of shrill political rhetoric, Washington's poet laureate travels the open road, finding potentiality in the vast landscapes and the communities of his glorious state. Through the arts, he says, we can cultivate a space for the inner life that's at the heart of mystery — and not knowing.
What if we were to apply the art of exegesis to our daily lives: the things we read and the ways we move. A thought piece on bringing a critical examination of one's life into those worlds not reserved for the sacred or the scriptural.
Untamed, wild beauty kindles a yearning and an awe that few man-made structures can, even the most sacred churches, mosques, or temples. Our resident bard with a praise song for the wide open spaces that beckon us to open our hearts to all people and things before us.
Is there room in our seeking for not-knowing? Are our hearts big enough to hold mystery? A prayer and a meditation for the mystery of the last ten nights of Ramadan.
Part of becoming an adult is learning how to lower your expectations. But parenting a toddler brings different gifts — of rediscovering discovery, reuniting with awe, and finding where the mundane becomes miraculous.