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February 1, 2017

Let Go and Let Be

Our dreams can be great motivators. But what if what we aspire to is already within our grasp? A poem on letting go of the stress of ambition and embracing our innate potential.


December 12, 2016


"Vulnerability is not a weakness, a passing indisposition, or something we can arrange to do without, vulnerability is not a choice, vulnerability is the underlying, ever present and abiding undercurrent of our natural state."
As we turn the seasonal corner to the longest nights of the year, a reflection on the time we spend in the darkness, and what we can learn from it before turning back to the light.
Editor’s note: This essay was written and originally published in 2007. It is reprinted here with permission. Some years ago, I came across one of the most intriguing book titles that I have ever seen. It was set forth in the form of a question: Is America Possible?…
November in the upper Midwest often feels like a “fifth season” to me — different from autumn and winter in ways that are not easily described. But “Praise Song” by Barbara Crooker helps me see that November is about the abundance to be found in certain kinds of scarcity.
In a season of shrill political rhetoric, Washington's poet laureate travels the open road, finding potentiality in the vast landscapes and the communities of his glorious state. Through the arts, he says, we can cultivate a space for the inner life that's at the heart of mystery — and not knowing.
A true friendship doesn't only bring support and joy, but also challenges us to grow. Omid Safi reflects on the importance of nurturing relationships that acknowledge our imperfections, and nourish the best in us.