Social Justice
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55 Results
An Italian writer pays tribute to the story of the little-known Australian sprinter who was on the podium that day in 1968 in Mexico City for the Olympic medals ceremony. A closer look at an iconic public stand for human rights reveals a heartening, surprising story of alliance and brotherhood.
After arriving in the U.S. in the 1930s, Albert Einstein witnessed the inequities and injustices done to black Americans. Read his little-known essay from 1946 about the "deeply entrenched evil" as he saw it then, and that pervades this country today.
To devote oneself to battling injustice is noble, but rigorous. Sharon Salzberg celebrates the extraordinary work of agents of social change, and illuminates the importance of balancing exposure to hardship with self-care.
North Carolina's "bathroom bill" has created quite a stir, a political and cultural imbroglio. Omid Safi on the need to stand up and not remain silent, no matter what action you might take.
Our Public Theology Reimagined columnist calls on people of faith and conscience to come into proximity with execution sites like Ell Persons. When we experience these liminal spaces, we are reminded of our capacity to become preoccupied with domination and overlook the lives of the powerless and the message of Jesus' crucifixion.
Faith can be a salve for the soul in the face of the suffering we witness. But, Omid Safi reminds us, our spiritual love must be bolstered by how we stand for the weak and vulnerable in our midst.
An ethic of care, community, goodwill. These are things we all seek. An intimate account of #BlackLivesMatter capturing the intimacy, challenge, and familial spirit of the movement.
What if we acknowledged racism as a disease, and treated it accordingly? A cancer survivor asks and ponders the lessons she's learned from battling the illness as she watches recent events at the University of Missouri unfold.
We are inextricably entwined with each other. Omid Safi sees the pain and suffering of two tragedies — in Nepal and in Baltimore — and appeals to all of us to embody the ethics of a natural tragedy, reaching out in compassion, when we're faced with man-made destruction and systemic corruption.
The term "scale" is the buzzword in social entrepreneurship circles. But, as Courtney Martin Often shows us, changing the world is about changing systems and helping others one person at a time.
Fifty years since the historic march on Selma, Omid Safi calls for an inclusive justice for all people — and welcomes Muslim voices to be full democratic participants — so we can cross that bridge together.
It’s not merely a sin-sick soul that is in need of profound redemption, writes our columnist, it is also our society and structural institutions that call out for being redeemed and transformed. A clear call to question, connect, and transform ourselves and our institutions.
A black theologian talks with one of America's leading Old Testament scholars about Ferguson and the place of protest and prophecy in our faith, the place for our rage, the need for honest talk, the role of education in protest, and the transformative potential of radicality.
An encouragement to be "children of the moment," a people with the spiritual discipline of being fully present in the here and now.
The power of song on the radio connects three worlds to one woman, ushering her into the eternal present by conjuring up memories of the past.
Rather than merely expressing outrage at what happened in Ferguson, white Americans must show courage and own its part of the tragic story and the opportunity for transformation.
What in our lives can be unraveled? A poem and a reflection on the raising of Lazarus and the miracle after the miracle of the Easter story.
A creative illustration elevates Dorothy Day's words on "how to bring about a revolution of the heart" with a t-shirt design.
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